Many apologies to those who have emailed to chastise me for allowing this site to fall into such a neglected state of disrepair. In my own defense, it is difficult to balance blogging with my hectic day job as a freelance public restroom attendant - standing a lonely vigil in America's interstate rest areas, ready to dispense salves, fragrances, mints and hot towels to her road weary travelers.
That said, I will endeavor to pick up the pace and get this sucker jumpstarted again - if you will likewise do me a kindness. Not me so much, but two of the awesomest young people I know. Aryn and Benji Nichols are the proprietors of Inspire(d) Media in Decorah, IA, which publishes Inspire(d) magazine. Done on a shoestring, it's a great little community monthly with a positive vibe. In the few years they been in business, they have been instrumental in organizing music and arts and cultural events in and around Decorah, and are a big part of what makes Decorah one of America's grooviest little burgs. And though I'm not sure she wants me to divulge this, I am rightly proud to be Aryn's uncle.
Anyhoo, Aryn and Benji are now in the running for a $5000 prize for Iowa community-focused businesses, and I would deeply appreciate your vote in getting it to them. This is a legit deal, administered through the University of Northern Iowa, and there is no obligation or spam/phishing/etc. involved. Voting ends next Friday, and you can cast a new vote daily.
And so the gauntlet is thrown: help me show Aryn and Benji a little avuncular love, and maybe I'll get off my ass and write something for a change. Nepotism? Peddling votes? Nope, just hoping to see two of the nicest kids I know (family or not) get the recognition they deserve.