Now get on the stick and tell Washington you support the one man who can lead the American auto industry back to greatness. Send me a link to your official endorsement, and let's get Detroit rolling again!
Johnny Pazzesco, Sono Annoiato
Moe Lane, Red State
Rand Simberg, Transterrestrial Musings
Robert Belvedere, Camp of Saints
Tom the Impaler
Dr. Dave, Feed Your ADHD
Beers With Demo
Trying to Be Thoughtful
The Blue Boar
Christmas Ghost
Alan K. Henderson
Rumbler Report
Agony Is
Tim Blair
Joe Sherlock
Maggie's Farm
Halls of Macadamia
UPDATE! My Senior Deputy Assistant Car-Czar-in-Waiting Master S (of the S & M Speed Shop) sends this video from his driveway showing our new plan to revive Chrysler. Ladies and gents, I give you: the mighty Dirtbag Duster.