Occasionally I have posted stuff here that gets circulated through emails or message boards, recited on radio, or winds up completely CTRL-C-CTRL-V'd onto other blogs. I guess it's flattering in a way, but I admit that it's kinda frustrating getting emailed stuff that I wrote, saying it came from some "anonymous source" (or even attributed to a different author).
One example of that happened recently with my fake car ad for Congressional Motors. Apparently it has been making the rounds, now making me a uncredited, unpaid columnist for the Rocky Mountain News. Topping that? One day after it appeared this flaming fat thieving douchebag at KFMB San Diego decided he would simply copy and paste the piece onto his site, claiming himself as the author, and has refused to remove or modify it even after several requests.
Apologies for the whiny little bitch act, but that sort of thing really cheeses me. Recently though, an Iowahawk reader in the Bay Area alerted me that "Officer Vic" on KSFO had played an audio bit of the piece. It was also uncredited, but I was pleasantly floored by the great voice-over work by Officer Vic. Rather that bitch about it, I decided to do some swiping of my own: Here's the KSFO audio version of my bit, with some video I mashed up for the occasion.