Ah, Spring; the time of year when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love... and global climate destruction!
That's right brothers and sisters, it's time for Iowahawk's 3rd Annual Earth Week Virtual Cruise-In when I invite readers to join me in honoring Mother Earth: the Ultimate MILF™ by showing off you kickass-iest fossil fuel burners. Previous editions of the Cruise have provided plenty of memorable hoopties, but after the seemingly endless, cruel winter we just suffered through, it's clear much more needs to be done. And that's where you come in! Send me glamor shots of your own cars / motorcycles / leaf blowers / private jets (along with brief descriptive info) and I'll make sure this little greasy corner of the internet knows just exactly how you roll.
By working together, we can raise awareness -- and mankind's sadly pathetic 0.031% contribution to total atmospheric CO2. And, by inspiring others, we can push the needle on the Eco-thermostat back to where it belongs: a balmy 2.3 degrees Farenheit warmer within the next 200 years. So let's see that iron! Send your pix and commentary to the email link over yonder in the left sidebar, and I'll get 'em posted over the next couple of weeks. To get things started:
My heap -- 1931 Ford Model A coupe, a/k/a "the Coupe of Justice." 1959 Pontiac 389, .030 over, .010 under, balance/blueprinted, ported/polished heads, Isky cam, 3 vintage gas-eatin' 1958 Saaty Meteor 100 fuel injectors. Take that, Gaia!
PS - Just so's you know I'm making a largely-unnecessary trip to Europe this week (on an enormous CO2-belching jumbo jet, natch!), and will update the cruise pics as frequently as I can and as internet connections allow. Excelsior!