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Wonderful! I hope Trey Parker hires you for the movie!

But where is Delores? I always wanted to be her: homely, yet serene in the knowledge her Man was the best fake Indian around. *sigh*

J. Peden

Beautiful! And your song lyrics to "Colorado Kung Fu Justice Man" would work well in the Bus Stop/Carl Douglas rap version of "Kung Fu Fighting", to boot. Check it out. It rocks pretty good.

Dan Collins

Very few people know this, but the Arapazowee [sic] are a western offshoot of the Jenesaisquoit tribe, remnants of which Marquette and Joliet encountered along the Mississippi.


This thing reminded me of an MST3K episode where some motorcyle riding hippie Prof turned into a lizard, but the Indian Prof was just his best buddy.

I think being the phony that he was.
even though Chutch advertised for DMC motors he probably would have driven a Datsun 240Z in real life (to get the coeds).

"Yeah, a real leftie would have ridden a Husky, since it was a good Commie-built bike, rather than a 'taco built in fascist Franco's Spain."

I think the Husky was a socialist built bike the CZ's and Jawas were the commie built bikes.


I found a great site offering primary document sources on Ward Churchill and thought you might be interested

It has organized and indexed by topic:

1. all the pdf files from the American Indian Movement Documents on Churchill
2. the pdf fils of academic research demonstrating academic fraud found in his research
3. very old interviews with Churchill over his battle with AIM, his claim to Indian ancestry, his road to tenure and so forth.
4. pdf files of academic critiques of Churchill' publications
5. An index of his publishers and a description of their reputation stated in their own words

It's set up for easy access to documents

Most of it cannot be found through a google search but was accumulated by a combined research effort. Anyone wishing to use the documents for further research on Mr. Churchill may help themselves.


My stomach hurts!!!
Will you marry my daughter?



Dean Esmay

Dude. Magnificent!


First off... The `acronym?' ROTFLHMSIP! *definitely* applies. Thank goodness my keyboard, FOCUS 2001, has a cover because between having Mountain Dew coming out of my nose and then the trip to the floor I'd probably be MIA for at least a day or so while I waited for delivery of a new one. What makes it all that much better is that I live within `spitting distance' of `The People's Republic of Boulder' and I get all the so-called `news' blather at least 4 times a day no matter whether I watch TV or listen to radio. Fantastic, Iowa!

On another `subject'...


Not that it really matters, but I apologize for confusing my Bultaco with my Hodaka. (If I can say that in mixed company.)

Posted by: skinbad | February 7, 2005 04:36 PM

Shee-it! Hodaka... I forgot about those.

I'm kicking myself for not including a fake composite dirtbike brand, something like a cross between Hodaka/Bultaco/CZ Jawa/Husqvarna... Ho-Taco? Buljaqva?

Whatever the case, it sounds like this: WING DINGDINGDING WIIIIIIIING....DIIIIIING

Posted by: iowa | February 7, 2005 05:04 PM

Yeah, a real leftie would have ridden a Husky, since it was a good Commie-built bike, rather than a 'taco built in fascist Franco's Spain.

Posted by: Ward Cleaver | February 8, 2005 01:47 PM

(End Quote:)

Yeeeesh! The CZ would have been perfect all by itself! *That* was a `good?' `commie' dirtbike and wouldn't have needed to have been composted... err... `composited?'. {GRIN!}

And continuing...


Actually, Bultaco is already close enough to a "fake composite dirtbike brand." Certainly the 250 I rode was a fake composite dirtbike.

Amazingly enough, I've also had the "pleasure" of riding a Hodaka as well, and I remember that shiny tank rising up to smack my face quite vividly. The Hodaka and Bultaco, as different from each other as they were, shared the same basic ergonomic flaw: a binary rather than analog throttle control, with the only two settings being barely-sputtering-idle and Millenium-Falcon-hyperdrive. The only way to avoid a catapult-style launch from a standing start was to feather the clutch until you could smell it baking, and even then you only had a fifty-fifty chance of avoiding being thrown and/or dragged to your death.

Boy, the things I thought were fun back when I healed fast.

Posted by: Alan S. | February 7, 2005 06:16 PM

Ah, binary throttled Bultaco wheelies. I impressed the hell out of the neighborhood kids - and scared myself half to death...

Posted by: Bultaco Charlie | February 7, 2005 09:15 PM

(End Quote:)

*WIMPS*! {VB GRIN!} I owned both a Matador *and* a Pursang (And rode a friend's Hodaka a few times to remind me *why* I owned Buls instead.) and never had any `throttle problems' with either. And back in `those days' I never topped 150# and had *no* problems keeping the front ends down and `in the groove'. {VBE GRIN!} Yeah... *If* one were to get a bit `overly enthusiastic?' or `lose one's concentration' (Like suddenly getting fixated upon that well endowed `chick' in the skimpy shorts and bandanna `halter top' bent down to re-tie her `desert boots' about 20' down the track from the starting line.) it *might* take a bit to get things back under control. {SNICKER!} But usually incidents like that were far and few between for those who were actually `into' why they were there riding an angry `hyper' chainsaw on two wheels. {CHORTLE!}

Doleo ergo sum,
"Been there, done that, and I didn't even get a lousy `T'-shirt!"

Just heard that a `squishy' `judge?' has `ruled?' that CU *has* to let Ward have his `dog and pony show' tonight! The whole thing brings to mind an old childhood `chant?' of: "Hasten Jason,
Bring the basin.
Oops, slop!
Bring the mop!"


Ward Cleaver

Yeah, a real leftie would have ridden a Husky, since it was a good Commie-built bike, rather than a 'taco built in fascist Franco's Spain.


That is one of the funniest damn things I have read in a long time.

Good job.

How bout them hawks?

Ward Cleaver

This came on right after "Alias Smith and Jones", if I remember correctly.

IMHO, this show was too derivative of "Then Came Bronson", "Kung Fu", and the "Billy Jack" movies.

The theme music was cool, though, with the Peruvian flutes and all that.


GawDAMMIT, I told my wife I was going to "work at home" today and then she walked by when I was reading this and she was all, "Boy, that must be a pretty funny brief you're working on there," and I was all "shit" because now I have to go "work at work."


Iowahawk, you are Airplane!, Flying Circus, and the golden ticket rolled into one. Everyone else is Jay Leno to me now. It's a shame the unwashed masses would say "huh?" instead of "Heh."


LOL at "a cougar for his wife"!!!

And now I have the song "Cherokee Nation" stuck in my head.


Hey, watch it, Gerard. I already have dibs on calling the Hawk a "national treasure".

not just golden, it's diamond...

ed in texas

you forgot the scene where he sits outside playing his viola or double-bass or whatever
(obscure metaphor)
it's the little things


Hey Bub, where did you get your info for this hit piece? Some Kinko's in Texas? Everybody knows that the mountain lions name was "Che"! Did Darth Rove put you up to this, Pawn Of Power?


Go ahead, I DARE YOU... to smoke peyote!

It tastes like horseshit smells and gags you going down... uh, at least that's what my, uhm, friend said...

Real Horseshit psychedelic! I doubt if an authentic Arapazowee would chew less than THREE peyote buds at a time... Ralph!


"A cougar for his wife". That's it, my new homepage.

"I select first gear. The thoroughbred pulls, as if alive. It's crisp snarl, bellowing strength and power, demands attention and concentration. The adrenaline starts to flow.
I ease the clutch out .... First, ..Second, ..Third.... the wildlife scatters as I blast down the path, trees only a blur. The red Bul's rapid heartbeat, hungrily consumes every inch of ground we overtake.... Fourth gear, and the machine seemingly becomes weightless.... I then maneuver a flying feather....

Viva Bultaco!"

Joshua Sharf

Will somebody please get in touch with the CU College Republicans so they can distribute this thing outside of Churchill's speech tomorrow night?

Randal Robinson

Hey I think I remember that show! Me and my friends use to quote dialogue from it as we wandered through the desert on peyote-induced vision quests. Or maybe I'm just recalling a scene from Oliver Stone's The Doors. Hard to say. It's all kind of a blur now.

Split-level Head

Maybe the Hekawi Indians from F-Troop will take him in.

Hiawatha Bray

Why aren't you writing for Hollywood? You're just too good!


I used to wear "Hai-Chomsky" Aftershave. Had to fight off the socialists with a stick.


I was gonna give you kudos, because it IS good, Hawk, but it really doesn't get the essence of 'pathetic buffoon'...

More like 'fantastic poltroon',
or 'diuretic pontoon'...

Gerard Van der  Leun

You, Iowahawk, are a great American. If you were Japanese you be a "precious living national treasure." You're not Japanese, are you?

Bultaco Charlie

Ah, binary throttled Bultaco wheelies. I impressed the hell out of the neighborhood kids - and scared myself half to death...


'Masters degree from Sangamon State University' You can't top that


awesome!!! I'm officially a regular reader...


But shouldn't that be "bourgeoisie?"


Maybe I'm just slow, but it was this that sent me over the edge:

CHUTCH: Okay, Zapata, this is it... put on this chute pack.



"ANNCR: Custom Bultaco dirtbike! Turtleneck! Life-like college grant proposals! Zapata with real growl action!"

VERY nice. I guess you were one of the few who noticed while watching "Then Came Bronson" that whenever he needed to chase someone up a hill, his Triumph would magically change into a Bultaco.




John from WuzzaDem

"LENNY THE BIKER: Eat our shackles of oppression, intellectual!"

Are you *trying* to get me fired? I can't read you at work any more.

Shivas Irons

You are a genius... but I digress... ;-)


The sad thing is, I probably would have watched this show.


skinbad said, "The tipoff that this wasn't really true was the Friday office hour. Has anyone ever had a professor with office hours on a Friday?"

Ah, skinbad, you forget that offices are only cells in the big global prison run by The Man. Friday office hours would be conducted in a sweatlodge, smoking peyote.




Brilliant. The 'Facts of Life' could have used your writing.

LC Geno

I've been waiting for this one. I knew you couldn't pass up the opportunity to slap at Boulder and Churchill. Excellent. Way to go.
Also just so you remember in the fall (Go Buffs, Cyclones Suck)


Me, oh how I wish that the late Eldridge Cleaver was still around to rip this Ward Churchill a new one.

Because Eldridge Cleaver would have no patience with a faux radical like this. Because Eldridge Cleaver, late in life, came to realize the error of his ways, and ran for office as a Republican. Because it would have given me the justification to post:
"Cleaver, you were awful tough on the Ward last night."

And I could die a happier man.

Hats off to you, Iowahawk, you are what they call THE MAN!

Alan S.

Actually, Bultaco is already close enough to a "fake composite dirtbike brand." Certainly the 250 I rode was a fake composite dirtbike.

Amazingly enough, I've also had the "pleasure" of riding a Hodaka as well, and I remember that shiny tank rising up to smack my face quite vividly. The Hodaka and Bultaco, as different from each other as they were, shared the same basic ergonomic flaw: a binary rather than analog throttle control, with the only two settings being barely-sputtering-idle and Millenium-Falcon-hyperdrive. The only way to avoid a catapult-style launch from a standing start was to feather the clutch until you could smell it baking, and even then you only had a fifty-fifty chance of avoiding being thrown and/or dragged to your death.

Boy, the things I thought were fun back when I healed fast.


I never saw that one. Now I get the "Tenured Losers" reference.



Ceci - I just re-saw "The Born Losers" (the original Billy Jack flick) last weekend. Lord, what a piece of crap.


Shee-it! Hodaka... I forgot about those.

I'm kicking myself for not including a fake composite dirtbike brand, something like a cross between Hodaka/Bultaco/CZ Jawa/Husqvarna... Ho-Taco? Buljaqva?

Whatever the case, it sounds like this: WING DINGDINGDING WIIIIIIIING....DIIIIIING


Not that it really matters, but I apologize for confusing my Bultaco with my Hodaka. (If I can say that in mixed company.)


Iowahawk, they already made this movie. Remember Billy Jack and hippy dippy Jean, headmistress of The Peace School?


"MARCUSE: Are you ready for your final test, Angry Turtleneck?"

This was the beverage all over the monitor moment for me.

don't be that guy

that was sooo groovvvyyyy maaaannnnn!

golly Iowahawk you even caught the essence of the gruff yet compassionate school administraitor.


This tickles me as much as anything in years, everything from the commercials to the "Huzzah".

Every freakin' detail, man.

Chevy Rose

You must have strange breakfast food to think up this stuff. Or should I change and eat less sugar? Either way, you crack me up.


Great stuff! I laughed so hard the neighbors came over to ask if I was all right...


P.S.:What really worries me is that all the aging Baby Boomers will soon DEMAND a TV series like "Chutch", to please their growing nostalgia.


The tipoff that this wasn't really true was the Friday office hour. Has anyone ever had a professor with office hours on a Friday? Very good though. I can see Chutch combing his locks in the reflection of his Bultaco gas tank.


That was high-larious. Where can I get the authentic Chutch metal lunchbox with Zapata thermos bottle that keeps your milk really cool man?


This show laid the cultural predicate for the genre's eventual evolution into shows like the A-Team, which as we know was just a watered down military/industrial corporate sell-out version of the purer storylines of Chutch.

Vitamin Tom

Hawk, there are times I'd like to get in your head, and times I think doing so would cause me to quickly go insane. This is one of the later times. Excellent work, as usual.


You should take your splendid comedic writing gifts to SNL, a show that hasn't had a funny bit since John Belushi overdosed on speedballs in a Florida motel two decades ago.

foreign devil

Good one, Iowahawk! You caught the 'essence' of the scoundrel! Perfect!

pooklekufr: the kafir Constitutionalist


I bow before you, O Iowahawkish one!


Brilliant, just brilliant. Does a more visceral job of showing what a fool this man is than all the pundits shouting righteous indignation. It only begs the question: How in the name of all that's holy do you think this stuff up?

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