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the Humble Devildog

What's that I see?! An Iowan ranking the Badgers ahead of the Fred Flinstones?! What has the world come to?!

Anonymous Coward

While we're waiting for Iowahawk's take on Arafat's death, here is a song parody on the subject:
The Yassir Arafat Funeral Dirge
(sung to the tune of "YMCA")

Young men!
If you're feeling alone, we need young men!
To keep our leader cool, there's a place where!
You'll never be alone
In the love nest of Ramallah...
Young men!
Come and join in the fun in Ramallah!
There's a party, get down and praise *****!
There are no girls around
where the faithful get a mouthful...

Why don't you go to the
The Palestinian AU-THO-RI-TY!
They have everything
For our leader's boys
Just as long you are his toys!

Why don't you go to the
The Palestinian AU-THO-RI-TY!
He's not looking too well!
But his party is swell!
Better pray he won't go to hell...

Young man!
I was once in your band
I thought I did! not belong in this land
I thought no one! could love someone like me
It was tough to be an Arab
That's when, someone walked up to me
and said young man! There's a place down the street
At the PA! You can join in the gang
And you'll never be unhappy...

Why don't you go to the
The Palestinian AU-THO-RI-TY!
They have everything
For our leader's boys
Don't you know that you are his choice!

Why don't you go to the
The Palestinian AU-THO-RI-TY!
Soon he'll be on his way!
To be lying in state!
But he'll always be good to you!
Why don't you go to the
The Palestinian AU-THO-RI-TY...

Rusty Shackleford

In your dreams Oklahoma is better than USC!!!!!


Thanks for the crumb toss from the dinner table of the Higher Bloggers. I haven't teared up like that since last I had a pube caught on my boxers and felt the 3 horsepower tension on my scrotum.

You're a man true to your word. There's that.

Many slutty thanks,

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