Found in dumpster behind George Soros' secret underground volcanic island 527 foundation! First draft of the Kerry campaign's Swift Boat conspiracy map. Click for the full view.
The Economist "David Burge at Iowahawk, I think quite accurately captures the flavour of the original's description of Julia's political alternatives, whatever you think of his politics."
PoliPundit "nobody – and I mean nobody, in the confines of Al Gore’s greatest invention, the Internet, can slice, dice and julienne a huge chunk of pure snark into so many little jagged pieces like he can"
Het Vrije Volk (Netherlands) "Laat de rijken de crisis betalen, zegt de SP. Let's eat de rich, zegt Michael Moore. Hoe ver komen we daarmee? Iowahawk rekende het uit."
Ça M'Intéresse (France) "La pièce fait partie d’un lot d’anciens outils de ferme tous plus étranges et biscornus les uns que les autres à voir ici."
Charles Murray, The American Enterprise Institute "Out of nowhere—at least I’d never heard of him—comes a posting by one David Burge on his blog, Iowahawk, in which he tore Krugman’s numbers apart. I don’t mean he found some soft spots. I’m talking evisceration. The post has been flying around cyberspace and has a attracted a lot of flak to which Burge has now responded. I recommend both posts as tours de force on two levels. First, they are saturated with the best kind of Internet irreverence and humor—sophomoric occasionally, lmao funny more often. Second, the guy is a hell of an applied statistician. It’s wonderful: Paul Krugman’s got his mile-high New York Times platform, Burge has an obscure blog. And yet, in the world of the Internet, he can take Krugman down and end up letting a whole lot of people know he’s done it."
Hugh Hewitt "For a lesson on how to argue a complex case in the face of MSM stupidity and/or bias --answer with facts, repittion and careful writing laced with laughs-- read the tutorial prepared by Iowahawk... This is how it is done. Airlift Iowahawk to the Speaker's office."
Jose Guardia, Barcepundit "Lectura del día, pero aseguraos de que no estás bebiendo nada mientras lo leéis: vuestra pantalla correría peligro de salpicaduras..."
Neo-Neocon "What the rest of us drone on about seriously and far more tediously, Iowahawk skewers with wit"
The Lunatic's Asylum "IowaHawk is God. If you're STILL not reading IowaHawk regularly, then you, Sir or Madame, are a dipshit. One that should be taken out and sterilized with the rustiest of farm implements, so that you may not pollute the gene pool with future generations of little dipshits."
Rick Moran, The American Thinker "Outside of P.J. O'Rourke, I can't think of another conservative satirist who so consistently hits the mark than Iowahawk"
Tim Blair, Sydney Daily Telegraph (Australia) "Iowahawk’s powers led him to predict events that nobody expected. He’s like Nostradamus, except with the added powers of a police ankle monitor. "
Cripes Suzette "the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen."
Dagelijkse Standaard (Netherlands) "Ik geloof niet dat we op deze site al eens aandacht hebben besteedt aan het werk van David Burge, beter bekend als de Iowahawk. Deze geniale satirist steekt op internet inmiddels al bijna zeven jaar de draak met alles wat links is (en ook heel wat dat zichzelf rechts noemt maar die naam eigenlijk niet waardig is). Voor wie hem nog niet kent: spoedt u naar! Voor stukken als dat van vandaag hebben ze de term ROFLMAO uitgevonden"
Charles Crawford (UK) "put on your safety belt and a pair of Pampers nappies to deal with the ensuing, hem, seepage as you read this one, which can lay claim to being the funniest thing ever written"
Bookworm Room "Every time I read one of Iowahawk’s satires, I think to myself, 'This is it. He cannot get better than this.' And every time I am wrong, as Iowahawk, over and over, publishes something new that is even funnier than his last outing... In a perfect world, Iowahawk would be one of the most recognized comic satirists in America."
Libertiamo (Italy) "In un articolo scientifico Mann ricostruì (con un metodo spiegato in dettaglio qui) le temperature globali degli ultimi mille anni"
Atomic Nerds "My opinion of the relevant issue at hand doesn’t align with [Iowahawk], but the parody was so spot-on perfect that I actually got the theme music and visual montages in my head"
Chicago Boyz "Fox reports -- but not nearly as well as Iowahawk"
The Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys "Our Honorary Borderline Sociopathic Boy of the day is Iowahawk. He's got the right idea. Make things. Go fast. Make things go fast. "
Scott Johnson, Powerline "distinguished career... Surely there must be a Pulitzer Prize of some kind in this for Iowahawk's important contribution"
Stipistop (Hungary) "Az ugrás után igazi műremekeket találtok. Nem ecset és vászon, sem agyag, hanem colos csavarok, perforált lemez és knockoff kerékanyák. Hmmm…"
Bang Shift "Great car photos... fantastic commentary"
Too Old To Work "I can't fathom where he gets his ideas from, unless it's a deeply disturbed mind."
John Hinderaker, Powerline "Funniest thing I've ever read on the web? It might be. It also is the most incisive commentary on the 'Skip' Gates affair that I've seen"
Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs "Iowahawk could be the redheaded stepchild of Ursula K. Le Guin and Arthur C. Clarke, with P. J. O'Rourke hanging around looking guilty"
Small Dead Animals (Canada) "When the written word alone can make one laugh so hard that one has to leave the room to catch one's breath: I think that's notable."
John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine "this latest posting by Iowahawk is, truly, one of the sharpest pieces of political satire written in the English language in ages"
Elder of Ziyon (Israel) "brilliant... the most biting, trenchant and witty criticism of the current administration imaginable"
Swedish Superstock Association (Sweden) "Alla racers har nångång funderat på det....speciellt när vädret ibland är som det är..eller man tycker vintern är för alldeles lå att detta redan har prövats i dragracingens barndom är ju förståss "självklart" så att säga!"
Bookwork Room "Iowahawk is always funny, but sometimes his brilliance is so extraordinary you almost feel like looking away. This is humor that hurts."
Fausta Wertz "the dance floor started to open and exposed a vast deep pool filled with man-eating sharks. The crowd panicked as a couple fell into the waters and the sharks feasted on them. Without missing a step or loosening his embrace, he led me to the entrance and with a swift move managed to both hit the switch that closed the shark pit and concluded the final dance step. He then said, 'It’s late. I must go tend to my blog.'"
Dan Collins, Protein Wisdom "He is Iowahawk of Typepad
Master of the sparkling send-up
When he posts, then douchebags tremble
Realizing they’ve been skewered
And with no recourse to match him:
Mighty Burge, the Iowahawk”
Amused Cynic "perhaps the best-written, cleverest “F*** You” salute that I have ever seen administered ... I am hereby delivering a James Thurber salute to you, Dave, and popping the top on a 16 oz. can of PBR in your direction"
Bella Gerens (UK) "Every time I read Iowahawk, I laugh like a fucking drain... If he writes another one of these, I won’t have any kidneys left to burst"
Autumn People "Bow before the master... truly, truly fantastic work"
The Nightfly "a muse of fire to ascend the very heaven of invention... We all may as well retire from blogging right now"
Daily Kos "The wickedly funny right-wing parodist"
Quick Hitts "Far too many conservative writers come across as stupid and/or bitter and/or pompous and worst of all, humorless. It’s refreshing to to find one who is smart and funny, like Iowahawk"
Daniel Ruwe, Right Minds "The funniest person on the Internet. Every one of his posts makes me laugh out loud. Literally incredibly funny. You have to experience him to appreciate him"
Elizabeth Crum "For an idea of what I find brilliant and loveable in terms of sarcasm, satire and the like, see Iowahawk. He is one of our great modern-day scribes: smart, scathing, derisive, outrageous, and funny like few can be"
Jesse Macbeth "I'd like to take the time to address some of the stuff that I read on the Internet written about me... I got to tell you some of the stuff I saw was really funny. One of my favorites ones was actually the Power Rangers one, that was kind of cool."
Jools Krittindan "Then there’s Iowahawk. I don’t even know what he does for a living, something in Iowa, I guess. Yeah, society would function fine without him. It would just suck more. He gets an estate all his own: Iowahawk, the Sixth Estate."
Feed Your ADHD "spending 5 minutes on Iowahawk’s site today…and then a few more hours this evening, I am…simply…changed. His site is the funniest thing I have ever read"
Cherry River Blog "Yes, this is a crude attempt to gain entrance to IH's hallowed blogroll, and maybe even a blurb-out listing, but I still stand in awe of the capaciousness of mind that Mr. Burge has demonstrated to a barely worthy Web world"
Michelle Malkin "the most superlative satire in the blogosphere"
Tammy Bruce, KABC Los Angeles "I am tempted to get my iPhone and show my fellow islanders this link from Iowahawk proving their silly, mindless cult-like foolishness."
Slate's The Fray: comments "As much as I hate to admit it, the guy is funny. He'd be funnier if he agreed with me"
Jules Crittenden "I have received no remuneration or consideration of any kind for this shameless fawning boosterism and free advertising. Nor do I require any. To have been in some small way associated with the global Iowahawk phenomenon is more than most of us can aspire to in our miserable, inconsequential little lives. To bask in its electronic glow is to sense the existence of immortality."
Hot Flashes "The man I’d most likely invite to my bedroom in another life"
Jim Henshaw "Neo-cons may not be as humorless as I thought, as this essay from Conservative blogger Iowahawk will attest. Even if you hate his politics, this is funny stuff"
Dave Bender, Israel at Level Ground (Israel) "Iowahawk is in the side of the wrong business, not to mention residing on the wrong landmass; he needs to get over here quick and start pumping out copy for the major news agencies"
Daily Pundit "Probably the best writer of satire on the web"
Jules Crittendon, Boston Herald "Iowahawk’s wild, unkempt observations may look like they’ve spent the last three days sleeping under a bridge, and be frightening and smelly up close, but they are conduits of fundamental, irrefutable truth. Much like the drunk who accosts you on a streetcorner and unabashedly proclaims, 'I need money for a bottle of Cossack.'"
Twisted Spinster "Iowahawk sticks the knife in so nicely that you don’t even feel it until everything starts to go dark and fuzzy"
Bill Whittle, National Review "My friend Iowahawk writes some of the most brilliant satire I have ever read. He likes to come across as a beer-swilling gearhead — because he is — but look at this ... simply so that I may bask in its reflected glory"
Rush Limbaugh "I've gotta share with you one of the funniest things I have ever read. It is by the blogger Iowahawk. It is one of the sharpest, most cutting, brilliant satires on these pseudo-intellectual conservatives... I've heard of Iowahawk. I don't know what his leanings are, probably lib, I don't know, doesn't matter. This whole thing is just wonderful, it is just hilarious." "When someone uses the word 'genius,' who comes to mind? Einstein? Newton? Mozart? Rip Taylor? All great choices, but for me, the first name that pops into my head is Iowahawk"
Doubleplusundead "Brutal... the only way to describe Iowahawk's epic dismantling"
Neocon Blonde "brilliant... Voici, dans tout sa gloire"
Quid Nimis "I think the reason I don't do Iowa Hawk everyday is the same reason I don't eat ice cream everyday: it's too good. That and the fact that I would have to leave my husband and stalk Dave Burge"
Letters from Glome "funny, profane, funny, and witty. Did I mention funny? His mockery of the system, politics and flapdoodlery is dead on hilarious. A master"
Physics Geek "I am truly in awe of what Iowahawk manages to do on a regular basis. If Mother Jones syndicated his column, I would subscribe to the commie pinko rag, just to get my fix"
'Something Awful' Forum Posters "wanna ice axe that blogger"
"i would like to point out that this really sucks and whoever wrote this should be strangled to death"
Tim Blair, Sydney Telegraph (Australia) "As Sandy Roberts says: 'When you think of Bhutan, you think of archery.' And when you think of Vettes, Ferraris and Hemi-powered rods, you think of Iowahawk and his LA-bound nitroclan"
Gudmundson (Sweden) "Glimrande elaka Jenny Westerstrand kanske aspirerar på att bli en ny Iowahawk, vad vet jag. Bra satir är det hur som helst för lite av i bloggosfären"
Jules Crittendon "as usual Iowahawk’s unrelenting, merciless and cruel mockery [is] clear evidence that even at this late date, the old gods yet walk among us and would toy with us"
Physics Geek "Good thing that Iowahawk exists: otherwise, we'd have to invent him"
Jeff Goldstein, Protein Wisdom "Funny? This dude wouldn't know funny if it sidled up next to him at a barn razing and stuck it's nipple in his ear.
"-- But that doesn't mean he isn't earnest..."
Kilátás a karosszékből (Hungary) A sikerhez viszont az is kell, hogy David H. Petraeus tábornokot egy megfelelő stylistcsapat vegye a szárnyai alá, mert ahogy kinézett a kongresszusi meghallgatáson, az valami rettenetes – szól Matthew DeBord megsemmisítő ítélete. Én zokogtam...
Joseph Bottum, First Things "I’m on the board of a literary magazine at a small state university, and, at the board’s meeting this spring, the editor mentioned that he had wanted to reprint the blogger Iowahawk’s hilarious swipe at the archbishop of Canterbury... Unfortunately, the editor said, the magazine couldn’t do reprint it. The legal adviser from the university’s administration had said no—not on the grounds that it was offensive to Anglicans and their archbishop, but on the grounds that it mentioned Islam, and the school could receive bomb threats as a result of publishing it."
Dr. Melissa Clouthier "Did I mention that I love Iowahawk? Because I do. He's such a manly blogger and I'd like to meet him because he' funny and has a rotten streak. I like men with a rotten streak."
Amused Cynic "...should be put in the National Archives next to the Declaration of Independence in the special nuclear bomb-proof case... Funniest thing I’ve ever read"
Peter Breedveld, Frontaal Naakt (Netherlands) "Speciaal voor de aartsbisschop van Canterbury deze geheel vernieuwde politiekincorrecte versie van de Canterbury Tales van de Amerikaanse blogger Iowahawk. Vooral de fraaie strofe 'everybody muste get stoned' zal de eerwaarde sharia-supporter uit het hart gegrepen zijn"
Lone Star Times "Only a hotrod fanatic from the cornfields of Iowa could concoct such a literary masterpiece" (Norway) "Som alltid leverer Iowahawk varene, denne gangen i form av en oppgradering av Chaucer i anledning erkebiskop Rowan Williams' sharia-uttalelser. Dette må være det morsomste som hittil er publisert i blogosfæren"
Zürcher Presseverein (Switzerland) "Dies eine Schlagzeile der US-Stiftung «Media Violence Project». Die Journalisten die hinter diesem Projekt stehen, möchten die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit aufrütteln und die Massen bezüglich Gewalt gegen Journalistinnen und Journalisten sensibilisieren. Hier findet man diverse Plakate und Sujets der Stiftung."
Lone Star Times "Between cleaning carburetors and restoring classic American cars, Burge churns out some of the funniest and decisively deadly wit and commentary on the web... Write the Pulitzer Committee and demand Iowahawk should win"
Roger Kimball, Pajamas Media "inspired … I was going to say 'parody,' but really it is far too close to the original to be called a parody. Really, it is like the play Hamlet stages to 'catch the conscience of the King,' a dramatic re-enactment of the very crime Claudius had committed but had yet to acknowledge. It worked for Hamlet; will Iowahawk’s performance work for the rest of us? It is too early to tell. But ... it is more truthful, and far more amusing, than anything you’ll read in the [New York] Times."
Paul Kedrosky, Infectious Greed "I really don't know how best to summarize IowaHawk's you-are-there white-trash treatise... If you crossed Hunter Thompson and Michael Lewis, you might get something this angry and bizarre"
The McMuffins (UK) "Iowahawk and his lovely wife... did not appear to be the psychopathic stalking killers we had been warned about, although that Iowahawk did have a murderous look in his eyes and an unusual amount of froth coming from his mouth"
chasovschik "Iowahawk представляет впечатляющую коллекцию антикварных сельскохозяйственных приборов"
The Sophistry "One of the best writers in the world."
בצל טוב (Good Onion - Israel) אמנם היה קיץ והזרימה חלשה יותר, וגם ההצקות של זבובוני החול זה לא משהו שאפשר להתעלם ממנו, אבל באמת היה סיור יפה (הרבה מחיאות כפיים, צעיר ערבי שהכרתי וגו’).
Karl Maher "Dave Burge can read the terrorists' minds!"
Instapundit "Iowahawk for President: he's got my vote!"
Hugh Hewitt "2008's Christopher Walken... bad news"
House of Dumb "Fortunately, there's always Iowahawk to give us that 'last cigarette in front of the firing squad' feeling"
Procurando Vagas "Todo ano o site Iowahawk promove um concurso bem diferente, o Miss Presidiária, onde você escolhe a condenada mais bonita dos EUA do ano... Mais vamos ajudar a patricinha e dar uma força, porque ela merece"
Panikowsky "А вот сатирическая издевка по мотивам..."
Balagan "Le blog américain Iowahawk, qui traite l'actualité par la dérision, a transposé les évènements du Moyen Orient dans le Midwest américain en jouant sur le fait que Mideast veut dire Moyen Orient"
Little Miss Attila "Iowahawk's the kind of guy you'd want to run into in that alternate universe. You know: the one in which no one is married, and the bars stay open all night"
Blacklake (Hot Air Comments) "I’d say Iowahawk was a genius, but geniuses aren’t generally very clever. Plus, studies have shown that nine out of ten have no idea how to clean a carb. So, statistically speaking, his geniushood is unlikely."
Gerard Van der Leun (Pajamas Media) "The Master of Disaster... Where else on the web can you channel-surf the spirits of Mark Twain and Big Daddy Roth on the same page?"
Right Wing Bob "Iowahawk remains probably the most versatile purveyor of America - boosting depravity on the scene today"
Daily Kos commentors "The new McCarthyism... F***ing pr***. Now go cry to momma" ... “just punch the stupid f***er out"..."shut [his] f***ing mouth while I'm pummelling him"..."me & my brick in a dark alley"... "sharpen your knives"... "“maybe [he] will consider the possibility of getting a shot in the teeth”
Dr. Melissa Clouthier "Most bloggers would lose a bar room brawl. There are exceptions."
Rand Simberg (Transterrestrial Musings) "Next time Iowahawk beats up on you, just take it. If you try to fight back, it only gets worse. It's like one of those monsters that, the harder you fight it, the stronger it gets, because it actually feeds on your pathetic swats."
Blog Québécois "If Iowahawk ever decides to turn his guns on you, accept your beating with good grace and a rueful chuckle. If you try to fight back, it only gets funnier."
Roger Kimball (The New Criterion) "The excellent weblog IowaHawk summarized some of the thoughts I had... I must also laud David Burge of IowaHawk for his gritty pragmatism. He is no armchair crusader, full of empty imprecations."
Blackfive "This pipe-smokin' assassin is the pure ass heat"
James Waterton (Samizdata) "bloody magnificent... Is there a Nobel prize for comedy? If not, we damn well need one"
Mark Steyn "I take my hat off. This belongs to a very select group of Jokes I Wish I'd Thought Of First: 'It's that time of year when we honor the ultimate MILF: Mother Earth'"
Jim Treacher "I don't LIKE you. I LOVE you. In a GAY way."
Bill Whittle "I've met him, you know -- Iowahawk. 6'7" he is, arms like mighty oak trees, legs like even mightier oak trees: clear grey eyes looking to the far horizon, his lantern jaw set against the approaching storm but yet with a slight hint of a distant smile bourne of many combats won and mortal enemies vanquished.
I stood speechless in his presence at a restaurant in Marina del Rey --- just speechless, weeping silently at the sheer magnetism and force of personality coming off the man in seismic waves; a transcendental, religious experience that kept me awake for a week, as if I had seen the heavens split open in a blaze of orange and purple glory, and all of God's Great Plan revealed.
And when he finally did speak, it was the sound of distant thunder echoing off ancient mountains, a sound that predates mankind's puny schreeching -- a sound that, indeed, is antecedent to the founding of Life on Earth and comes carried through the ether on the shock wave of ancient dying stars. And though he only spoke twelve words during the four hours I stood in his presence, those words are with me still, a perfect dozen seared into my memory, written in gold across the great hall of my mind.
Spongeworthy "But no shit, Iowahawk might get up tomorrow, get baked, grab his beautiful wife and ride his moped backwards to a Hells Angel rally, then drink himself into oblivion and fight about 7 crank dealers from the Racine chapter of the Death Jokers all by himself.
Then maybe he'd go home, romance the beautiful wife, build a perfect retro treehouse for his perfect kids, drink a bottle of tequila, prepare a 3-course meal while beating away a push-in home invader and sacrificing him on a makeshift, though historically accurate, Inca altar he built in the woods behind the railroad tracks.
Then he'd sit down and knock out a tremedously insulting Leftist parody that pissed off thread after thread of Kos and DU lunatics, romance the bride once again and fall asleep chuckling.
It's like he's Paul Bunyan and Mark Twain rolled up into one hipster"
I don't see Dianne Feinstein and the evil Assault Chairs™ mentioned yet( Just an oversight, I'm sure.
Posted by: | September 14, 2004 at 10:59 AM
I find my monitor actually has a better picture now that beer has been splattered there via my nose!! Outstanding job!!
Posted by: Guy S. | August 31, 2004 at 01:03 AM
Sir, you have outdone yourself, and that ain't easy.
Posted by: bdfaith | August 30, 2004 at 05:24 PM
Posted by: Bob Hawkins | August 30, 2004 at 03:02 PM
I hate to pick nits, but didn't you forget Abu Ghraib? I mean, it has to be involved.
I would also like to say that I question the timing of this post.
Posted by: Veeshir | August 30, 2004 at 01:11 PM
Sorry Michele, not enough room on the Ouija board for the Red Sox. Nomar is neck-deep in the plot.
Spongey - send me details of that party again, por favor...
Posted by: iowahawk | August 30, 2004 at 12:20 PM
Brilliant! "Here there be JEWS" Gopac and Tupac.
Posted by: spongeworthy | August 30, 2004 at 09:46 AM
Someone always has to drag the Yankees into it.
Posted by: michele | August 30, 2004 at 05:24 AM
You are just too wicked.
Posted by: mr mcmuffin | August 30, 2004 at 02:56 AM
Who knew Gnat shot Biggie and Tupac?
Posted by: Kevin | August 30, 2004 at 01:15 AM
Blushing thanx, Your Omnipotence.
Gnat for Prez, '36!
Posted by: iowahawk | August 29, 2004 at 10:55 PM
It all comes back to Gnat. What is Lileks hiding?
Sweet job on the 'shop, by the way. Hats off.
Posted by: Allah | August 29, 2004 at 10:43 PM