Recovering in NY today after 6.5 hours of tarmack torture at O'Hare yesterday. I blame Rumsfeld. Rather than torture you back with some substandard japery, I would like to draw your attention to some long-overdue additions to the blogroll --
From my old buddy and Berkeley wine connection, Thomas Lifson, comes The American Thinker, a smart and lively online opinion 'zine/group blog. For added enjoyment, read this fine site while sipping a glass of Barbera from Thomas' award-winning Sunset Cellars Winery.
From the other end of the continent comes the trenchant wit of Anselmo Trentino, another longtime buddy and the only remaining conservative on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Mazel Tov, 'Tino!
I also heartily recommend the musings of Dr Rusty Shackleford at My Pet Jawa, even though he apparently prefers the execrable Star Wars to George Lucas' real masterpiece, American Graffiti.
Why do I hate Ace-o-Spades? Because he is funnier and smarter than me. But I am still linking him, for perhaps then he will not use his fearsome mockery powers on me.
As a card-carrying member of the dimwitted, freedom-fry munching booboisie of the NASCAR Outback, I am normally loathe to link filthy foreigners. Yet, I had to rethink my xenophobia after I learnt that British troops still enjoy a good impaling spree. To celebrate, I've added a few links from Old Blighty - the piquant and stylish Mr and Mrs McMuffin, and the irrepressible British Pickle. From Down Unda, check out the acerbic Arthur Chrenkoff and the ever-witty Gnu Hunter; especially useful for those suffering from Tim Blair withdrawl. Straight outta Canuckistan comes blogworld superstar Damian Penny, whom I should have linked eons ago. And Damian's from Canada, or "America Lite," so that makes him only 20 or 30 percent foreign depending on the exchange rate.
You know what sucks about being a conservative? The music. Whenever there's a gathering of the vast right wing conspiracy, the entertainment generally runs the gamut from 'Vegas schlock to Nashville pap to Branson blechh. Thankfully, someone's doing something about it. If you're a reactionary extremist whose tune taste is more Buzzcocks than Oak Ridge Boys, make sure you check out Conservative Punk. Your earbuds will thank you.
Mr Hawk we are honoured, I hope we're not going to have to buy beer too.
Posted by: mrs mcmuffin | May 23, 2004 at 04:57 PM
Automatic weapons with drum magazines and belt-fed beauty, sandbags, Saddam's heart pierced by an arrow, and liberals bashed to the sound of some of the best guitar on the planet.....ah yeesh. Uncle Ted live.
Posted by: 1991A1 | May 18, 2004 at 02:31 PM
>>You know what sucks about being a conservative? The music. Whenever there's a gathering of the vast right wing conspiracy, the entertainment generally runs the gamut from 'Vegas schlock to Nashville pap to Branson blechh.
Uh, one word: Nugent.
Posted by: K Biel | May 18, 2004 at 01:35 PM
I'm honored that you've added me to the blogroll. I'ts about freakin time! Wait. This isn't some kind of come on, is it? Allright, I'll do it, but I'm going to need a lot of beer.
Posted by: Rusty Shackleford | May 18, 2004 at 12:23 PM