Advanced Civilizations

League of Superfriends

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Anon in Korea

These are bloody hilarious. I emailed a few
to friends and gave them the link.

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day.


"Hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, but many of those are mine."

Hate to be the bearer of badder tidings, but each and every one of those are mine. And I have the time-stamped email correspondence with SLMS editors to prove it. Next time, post your email so I know where to send the copyright infringement suit.


Stick to petty vindictiveness against the dihimicrats and leave the red neck bashing to Foxworthy


Hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, but many of those are mine.
Have a wide variety of other topics as well that have circulated from time to time. Glad to see someone expanding on the subject though.

Clem Snide

Hello? Cassius Coolidge? Is that you?

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