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October 10, 2008



Man, that wagon is sweet!


Holy crap, that trailer rules... do you have a trans cooler and beefed up brakes in the wagon? Having pulled 2000# trailers with a modern rig (Honda Pilot w / 270 hp) it seems that it'd be a white knuckle adventure in that Briarwood going through the hills.


Solar panels are suitable for camping, boating and caravaning portable solar energy generation is becoming more and more popular these days as a cost...

Account Deleted

A very smart and diplomatic answer. It’s really appreciable and general.

Kevyn Hagemann

Now that's what I call "camping in style". A vintage car pulling a vintage camper; what more could you wish for. I admire your passion for driving vintage cars, we have the same blood flowing on our veins, hehe. That chrome camper looks awesome, by the way.

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