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January 30, 2008



Any Iowahawk Deuce Updates?

Ralph Whitworth

Correction in tenth paragraph regarding first legally sanctioned drag race. His name is spelled "Cobbs". It is a common mistake to leave out the "s". Also his car was a 1929 model "A" with a 1932 Desoto grill, so it was a duece od sorts, but not a 32 ford.
Ralph Whitworth, proud owner of the "Cobbs Roadster"; yes it's the original car in the same basic condition as raced that April day in 1949!


How exciting it would be. Thanks for updating.

cylinder honing

That's absolutely the affair about the Deuce. It is the history of connected tinkering and remixing that accomplish the car what it is. It has undergone a action agnate to what French sociologist Emile Durkheim saw in his abstraction of primative religions: the transformation of profane, or ordinary, altar into the branch of the sacred.

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